Managed IT Services for Your Law Firm
We offer managed IT services that cover everything from cyber security to IT support, compliance, and business communication solutions. Whether you're a small firm looking for day-to-day IT help or a larger firm needing expert IT management we've got you covered.
Cloud Computing Services for Law Firms
Let Lawyers Be Lawyers
Cloud storage, document management, email & more - just for law firms.
Managed IT Cloud Services for Lawyers and Law Firms
We also work with ALL leading major cloud providers.
Using one of the leading Cloud Services? No Problem. The Computer Company can help you manage your Cloud even if it's with another Cloud Service.
Offering You Expertise with the World's Leading Clouds.
Amazon's AWS | Microsoft Azure
Call Now Toll-Free To Get Started: 800-418-2358
Why Legal Cloud Services?
All The Technology You Need With None Of The Hassles.
- Your own private server in the Cloud set up for Law Firms
- A single secure place to manage, store and access all your files, documents, emails, client data and more
- Support and management of all the office and legal applications you need to run your practice
- Private access to documents and data from anywhere, at any time, on any device
- Ability to run all your applications from anywhere, at any time, on any device
- Simplicity of operation - A common interface for everyone in the law office, on desktops, laptops, tablets and smart phones
- 24x7 technical support
- All for one affordable monthly fee
You shouldn't have to spend a single minute on activities that don't directly help you serve your clients, manage your practice or generate income.
With Legal Cloud Services, you won't have to. We manage, maintain, and optimize all your IT and cloud services for you; servers, applications, email, databases and more. We do it Safe, Secure, Simple, so you can concentrate entirely on what you do best.
A proven track record - Over 23 years serving customers with IT services and support.
Our Cloud services are designed specifically for the legal profession using software such as: ProLaw, PCLaw, Time Matters, Needles, Tabs3, iManage, Worldox, Juris, PerfectLaw, QuickBooks all in the cloud.
The highest standards of security - Our data center where your Cloud resides is SSAE16 Type II certified
Powerful Document Management
Get Started - Make one call - Toll Free: 800-418-2358